Saturday, December 22, 2012

What I am up to now!!

Well this is my first post, hoping this goes the way i envision it!  I wanted to start a blog for the new coming year of 2013 for a few reasons.  One I am embarking on sort of a journey of sorts, one is to loose weight and get in shape.  I need this badly!  And reason number two is, I want to try a few new things this year and want to document it.  

As some of you know or don't know, I am a mother of 4 kids, my son Sean the oldest is 11, Katelin is 10 turning 11 in January, Madison turned 8 in Oct, and Athena turned 6 in Nov.   I homeschool all 4 of them, by choice. Sometimes this is very hard and sometimes very easy.  The 3 oldest were diagnosed with ADHD in varying degrees, and the baby, well she is just over active, meaning she has trouble concentrating and sitting still for school work.

As for myself, I am a mom, ex-military, and all around DIY'er.  I love to cook, travel, and come up with ideas for  So watch out over the next year what will come out of me, it may surprise both you and me!!

Thanks for following me and I hope this works out!

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